Something I have felt is missing in my life over the past year or so is Spirituality. Having been raised in a cynical and anti-religious environment, and then having grown up to study philosophy (which I somehow consider un-religious--even though most philosophers are in some respect debating God), and then to marry someone with an equally un-religious background, the whole topic just feels uncomfortable.
I have so many internal conversations that prevent me from even exploring this subject. It's silly, it's not "real", only conservatives are into God, I can't fit in, I don't know how...the list goes on and on. So much so, that I find myself very stuck in the area of religion.
I remember when I was a teenager, and I was into studying writers like Emerson and Thoreau, that I once had this glimmer of a though about "the whole picture". I remember writing in my journal about how the soul was like one giant bowl of stew, and each of us was like a serving of that stew. I guess where I was going from that is that we are all are from the same stock. Or something like that. At any rate, I remember it seemed very enlightened to me at the time.
So maybe I will use this blog to explore spirituality a bit. I can take on different experiments in spirituality, and use this as a place to report and reflect on my experiences.
Currently, I'm intrigued by meditation. But again, I don't know how to begin. Where does one go to study meditation? Without a friend to introduce you to the practice, where do you learn?
I've decided I'm going to Google "how to meditate" and see what I come up with. I will try it for a few days and let you know how it goes (whoever "you" are).