Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Gadgets: IRoast2 and TomTom GO 720

Exciting news this weekend...we've added new gadgets to our collection! Anyone who knows me and E knows we love to tinker with new gadgets. We're very excited about our new toys so I thought I'd share.

After last week's fiasco in San Diego, I decided I needed my very own GPS system that I could take on the road, because apparently you can't rely on Hertz to have one available (even if you reserve in advance). After hours of research, I decided on the TomTom GO 720. It has a lot of really cool features, including the ability to make edits to the map if you find errors and then upload them to a community of other users, live traffic and weather updates using your cell phone's data plan, and a variety of voices. I haven't had a chance to test it fully yet, but I did run errands yesterday and enjoyed it very much!

E's new gadget is the IRoast2. After months of trying to roast our own coffee beans in the garage, E finally broke down and bought a real coffee roaster. For those of you not in the know, coffee beans actually start losing their freshness from the time they are roasted, and they will last for a very long time in their green, unroasted state. So roasting them at home gets you the freshest beans available. I'm pretty sure that most coffee shops (and definitly Starbucks) all use pre-roasted beans. Previously we were using a jury rigged device made mostly from an old popcorn maker. E blew up several popcorn makers before finally deciding to buy the IRoast.

We haven't roasted coffee yet with it because FedEx didin't deliver it till 10:30 last night, but it is also loaded with cool features.
Maybe I'll post reviews when we've fully had a chance to play with both toys.

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