Saturday, December 22, 2007

I want to be a blogger

I'm not sure what it is about this blogging business that interests me, but I keep finding myself drawn to it. There is something strange about creating a journal of your thoughts, and then putting it out for the world to see. It's somewhat voyeuristic.

I think I'm drawn to the mystery of who is reading. And the game of keeping myself honest and true in my writing, even knowing that this might be read by a total stranger, or by an old crush, or even a potential client (I think this might be most likely, as I did recently have a client Google me and report back that he liked my wedding pictures.)

I'm also drawn to the challenge of actually writing regularly. When I was younger, writing brought be so much peace. Now it is a skill I reserve for emails--and I do write a damn good email. But writing is more than a professional skill, it's an intellectual exercise.

So here it is. My blog. Welcome.

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