Saturday, December 29, 2007

On Fish & Meditation (Meditation on Fish?)

So the meditation practice has not progressed. After my rather discouraging 3 minute exercise the other day, I have determined that I need some sort of structure or discipline for this practice. I did some research (of course), and found out that many people find the aid of "meditation beads" helps. The way the beads work is you recite the mantra one time for each bead, and there are 108 beads. So I bought some beads on Ebay and will resume meditation practice when the beads show up.

On a slightly more exciting note, I got a small starter aquarium for Christmas. I actually bought it for myself and when E found out he made me call it a present and wait for Christmas to open it. It is a very cute aquarium called a BiOrb, and I think it will be good for teaching me some fish mom basics.

The first two fishies went in today. They are a type of fish called Platys and the guy at the fish store said they should do good in my aquarium even though I don't have a heater. I've named them Lee and Spike, the smaller one is Spike because his fin on his back appears to be more spikey than the other fish's fin.

I'm hoping that fish keeping can be a hobby that E and I both enjoy. Maybe if the BiOrb goes well I can get a larger aquarium

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