Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Yoga Purrs

This is a picture of my three kitties in a rare snuggle moment. The newest addition's constant purr struck my curiousity, and I came across the following web site while resarching the science of the purr.


"Yoga Purrs is for everyone who strives for inner tranquility. Whether it be
through yoga, meditation, tea, chocolate, family time, playing games, dreaming,
stargazing, painting, drawing… well, you get the idea.

Cats are experts at inner tranquility.

Cats are also nature’s Yoga Master’s. Who hasn’t wondered at a cat’s
flexibility and grace? A cat will relax in several different ‘cat asanas’ during
the day. Anyone who owns a cat has observed cat yoga.

Cats are also naturals when it comes to meditation. How often have we
seen a cat ’sitting quietly, doing nothing’. Cats can ‘just be’ and radiate
peace around them in doing so. Often softly purring the whole time.

Which brings us to a cat’s mantra - The Purr.

The purr has the power to heal. According a leading scientific journals, cats purr at a
consistent pattern and frequency that can improve bone density and promote
healing. Extensive documentation suggests that these frequencies are
therapeutic, aid bone growth, fracture healing, pain relief, reduction of
swelling, relief of dyspepsia and breathlessness.

Our yoga kitty reminds us all to seek out own ‘inner purr’, however we
may do this. When we find it, we will benefit from healing energy, relief from
stress and a deep sense of peace. For cat lovers, yogis, mediators, and for
folks celebrating joy in life, we offer Yoga Purrs.

Be well. Find your inner purr. "

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