Sunday, September 7, 2008

10 Things...

10 Things I Miss About Home:

  1. My bed
  2. Frankie, Mrs. Beasley, & Dempsey (the cats)
  3. Bagels, Sourdough Bread, smoothies, the fresh tomatoes in my yard, a fridge full of cokes, and all of my other favorite foods
  4. My car and mobility
  5. The Dishwasher
  6. Having a job and something important to do every day
  7. Washcloths
  8. My yard, the buffalo grass, and my flowers
  9. TIVO & Cable On Demand
  10. Speaking without worrying about whether or not what I say is being understood

10 Things I Will Miss About Mexico:
  1. Tiendas & Mini-Supers
  2. Salsa with every meal
  3. Colorful buildings & houses
  4. Pinkie the Ferret & Chido the Kitten
  5. Learning something new every day
  6. The bus...NOT!
  7. Inexpensive beers & food
  8. The best chocolate crossaints EVER
  9. Our great family here
  10. The lack of rules

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