Saturday, January 10, 2009

Being Green with Bugs

Lately Erik and I have been researching a couple of bug projects. I've always liked bugs, and these two projects are good for the environment while at the same time eliminate ick.

Project 1: Vermi Composting. Last summer we started a compost pile in the yard, but it is a lot of work. You have to maintain the perfect environment, add waste at the right ratio, turn the dirt, etc. Of course, this is till a good way to deal with yard waste, but it can only be done during the summer and it's a lot of labor. I think I've found a better solution....WORMS!

Composting with worms is supposed to be super efficient, create a great soil, can be done indoors, and beleive it or not it doesn't stink. We're going to make our own bin and order the worms online.

Project 2: Biological Pest Control. Last summer's buffalo grass project didn't help with our pre-existing weed problem. The large amount of water that the buffalo grass needed to take root kept the weeds growing and growing.

There are few things that I hate more than anything that ends in "cide"...especially herbicide! I worry about it's impact on me, on the cats, about tracking it in the house on my shoes...and it STINKS.

We've discovered that many plants have a natural enemy in the insect world. With the proper introduction of these bugs into our yard, we should be able to naturally control some of our more problematic weeds.

I can't wait to get some bugs!


Missy said...

This is perfect for you. I just love how inventive you guys are; I have learned A LOT about being green from you! I can't wait for blogs on this when you get started!

Don said...

I teach third grade and we make mini worm composters with plastic tubs and the kids get in line to take them home. They are amaed at how the food we put in disappears. I have a student who still has his going after three years and it is sitting in his bedroom, (no smell)

Go Green

Phill said...

Composting with worms is awesome! I've been in the city so long, it honestly took me a minute to get used to worms in the soil up at our country place when I fist saw them. Now, they're my composting friends. =)