Saturday, January 12, 2008

Business Travel Diversions

Over the past year, I've become a semi frequent business traveller. I say semi, because compared to some of my co-workers my travel is light--but by many people's standard I am just a straight up frequent flyer.

Whenever possible, I come up with little diversions to keep myself entertained. Yesterday, for reasons I prefer not to go into because the wounds are still sore, I found myself in San Diego for pretty much no reason at all. So I went to the world famous San Diego Zoo.

By the time I found my way to the zoo and recovered from being hopelessly lost and missing my meeting, I had about 2 hours to spend. This was enough time to see the primates, and little else. But they were worth it!

The area that I enjoyed most was the orangutans. With only a plexiglass wall seperating the humans from the orangutans, it was quite an experience for everyone. I truly think that the animals were just as interested in the people as the people were in them. I tried to capture a video with my phone of one cuious little girl, who wanted to play catch and examine the contents of each and every purse.

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